Mary Quant, Fashion Revolutionary Taipei對瑪莉官來說,服裝不只是衣著,也是女性表現認同,甚至培力、展現自我、挑戰社會的象徵。她的設計改變了未來幾十年英國的時尚,甚至成為全球現象。May 28, 2022May 28, 2022
紐約追星:凱特布蘭琪 Cate Blanchett剛來紐約的前幾個月,我就聽說凱特布蘭琪即將來紐約演出。她是我的女神,許多人可能印象深刻她是「精靈女王」,但我更愛她在其他電影的表現,不論是《藍色茉莉》、《醜聞筆記》,還是《Carol》,她的演出總極度細膩,勾嘴瞇眼都是戲,說話語氣帶著慵懶、節奏舒緩,但鏗鏘篤定,自制又內斂。一聽到…Jan 31, 2022Jan 31, 2022
紐約追星很多人都以為走在紐約的街上,應該很容易就會遇到明星,畢竟明星不是住在好萊塢就是紐約,這其實是一個美麗的幻想。想想看,我住在台北一輩子,也從來沒遇過張惠妹或是周杰倫,更別提跟我新莊同鄉的蔡依林。Jan 29, 2022Jan 29, 2022
被說辱華 莫文蔚道歉就是舔中嗎?莫文蔚在新歌MV中穿Dolce & Gabbana的衣服,被指控「辱華」,很多人都認為莫文蔚為了中國市場,為人民幣折腰。但我認為這次莫文蔚的辱華風波,需要更細緻地理解與分析,更要格外小心,以免落入逢中必反卻見樹不見林。Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021
Fun Things To Do When Stuck At Home During Coronavirus【娛樂推薦】My personal favorite books, music and series for staying at homeMay 17, 2021May 17, 2021
Pandemic, women and the crisis of Asian MasculinityIt’s been such chaotic days with all the rages and malice in the society, and I find it hard to say nothing.Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020
後座力最強國片!《無聲》揭露啟聰學校裡的殘忍真相金馬獎強勢入圍8項的懸疑電影《無聲》,取材自台南啟聰學校性侵醜聞,被譽為台版《熔爐》,它直視現實殘酷,也溫柔提醒我們除了憤怒難過,還能多做些什麼。Dec 10, 2020Dec 10, 2020
Tilda Swinton in New YorkTilda Swinton cannot be adequately described with our limited vocabulary, as she has already reached the next levelJun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
Pride in JuneThe LGBT community worldwide has reached unprecedented breadths and depths. There is no turning back or going backward.Jun 17, 2019Jun 17, 2019
The Debate on Same-Sex MarriageSame-sex marriage as a social movement is more complicated than I thoughtJun 11, 2019Jun 11, 2019