Pandemic, women and the crisis of Asian Masculinity

Ken Wang
3 min readDec 23, 2020


It’s been such chaotic days with all the rages and malice in the society, and I find it hard to say nothing.

Yes, the pandemic is scary. Yes, there is one local case. I understand people are scared, some (with twisted minds) are even smug. 250 days without any local case is not a miracle but a collective effort. People are fatigued and frustrated, and we all need to vent.

(See what happened:

But the rage pointed to the Case №711 woman is not only unfair but also misguided, not to mention sexist and misogynistic. All I have seen so far is the sense of insecurity of men in Taiwan, who is so threatened by and obsessed with the idea of western white men rubbing them of their ladies, who are their trophies of masculinity. This is not a new topic, but when these mixed sentiments are infused with the fear of the virus, there is no wonder the blame and slut-shaming have been exacerbated. Not the virus alone, but the fact that the virus was transmitted by a white men.

This is unbearably pathetic. Some people, usually people with advantages, namely, some men, are sick of hearing people victimize themselves, calling them resorting to PC or begging for pity. From what I am seeing right now, the sense of inferiority, a product of world order and racial ranking, is just another form of victimization. People who are so used to be superior (context specific and limited though) can’t tolerate the fact that their status is challenged, and the women of the same race being complicit are definitely unforgivable.

photo credit:

Yet again, men, not women, are the center of the story, and the master of the storytelling. They get to decide what a good women should look like and behave, and they banish those who don’t fit, so as to consolidate their fragile and unsustainable masculinity.

What’s shown here is the deepest fear and self hatred in Asian men, who are born to know and think and be told that they are inferior to their western counterpart, in terms of their appearances, body shape, culture, and, most importantly, dick size.

So phallus-obsessed, so much myth, and hence so wrong.

Women are not allowed to explore their sexualities or choosing who they want to get intimate with. Not because they are really bad women, but the society told them so.

Girls, there is nothing wrong and shameful sleeping with white guys. Just beware of objectification and fetishization. Men, who didn’t follow the protocols, should be to blame. And other men (and some women, sadly), who are feeling insecure and mistreated, enjoy your victimhood, put on your masks and shut up!

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Ken Wang
Ken Wang

Written by Ken Wang

Forever New Yorker. An aspiring writer based in Taipei

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